Author Guidelines
It is necessary to follow the principles of copyright and plagiarism which are entirely managed by the authors. A submitted article will be published only after fulfilling all the standards and quality work. For preparation of fresh article to get published in ijsmrt author should keep below points in consideration.
Research Paper Submission Guidelines for Author(s):
- Research paper should be your own genuine work.
- Research paper should be free from any plagiarism.
- Graphs and diagrams are neatly is drawn and visible clearly.
- Mention the appropriate references taken.
- Every article should be at least of 2 pages and more.
- Every article should properly reference all the citations taken into consideration in the research.
- All the diagrams, graphs, tables, flowcharts equations should be neat and clean.
- The new material must be in line with the original topic
- The title must reflect the new content
- The authorship may also be expanded, to reflect the new contributions
- The abstract must be a new one, as new items were added
- The Keywords must be updated accordingly
- The Conclusion must be updated to capture the new content
- When inserting new paragraphs or sections, a bridge text is needed to ensure the continuity of the ideas
- New figures and new and/or enhanced experiments are mandatory
- Enriching the figures from the original publication is also suitable and recommended
- The original paper must be the first reference
- The Editorial Rules must be carefully observed
- The journal paper will be peer-reviewed and the reviewers’ comments are fully enforced
- The journal paper must contain page number, headers, or footers as per ijsmrt paper format can be downloaded by clicking here in order to facilitate final Paper Formatting